In Bari, healthcare sees the future, with OPTIP

Thursday December 14th, 2017

Tomorrow, 15th December 2017, in Bari, there will take place the conference “Let’s think about innovation. The digital ecosystem in Healthcare as process management and shared environment” that will see Optip, the technology developed by Predict to bring augmented reality in telemedicine, as protagonist.

At the invitation of AISDET (Associazione Italiana di Sanità Digitale e Telemedicina – Italian Association of Digital Healthcare and Telemedicine), promoted of the conference, the works will be opened with a panel entitled “Best practice: the augmented reality in the surgical field”, with the video of the first use of Optip for surgical scope in the operating theatre: the video, realized by Predict, has been filmed at the San Camillo Forlanini Hospital, where the surgical équipe guided by Prof. Sandro Rossetti (head physician of the Orthopaedics Unit) has performed an operation of hip reconstruction with the dematerialized presence (“holopresence”) of a product specialist.

“This technology will surely have a bright future: we are fascinated and ready to face this adventure with the maximum enthusiasm” has commented Prof. Rossetti at the end of the intervention.

Realized by Predict, Apulian company specialized in the field of medical technologies, Optip is based on the most advanced viewers of augmented reality for the use in the health field for training, surgery and rehabilitation. Optip is a very powerful and easy to use platform, endowed with built-in sensors, cameras, microphones and speakers, able to optimize the performances of the surgeon and of his équipe, to arrange consultations in real time with physically far colleagues and to visualize in 3D, during the intervention, the instrumental tests performed in preoperative phase.

The enthusiasm concerning this technology is high: on last June Optip has been awarded at the Positive Business Award 2017 as absolute winner and in the category Positive Business Technology, while Predict, included among the one thousand enterprises awarded by the Financial Times for the high rate of growth obtained between 2012 and 2015, has received mentions and national awards also for Inside the Breath, advanced technology of early diagnosis through the analysis of the human breath.

“Let’s think about innovation. The digital ecosystem in Healthcare as process management and shared environment” will be an international stage in which reaffirming the need to believe in a digital revolution of healthcare. During the conference there will also be the presentation of the proposal on the technical Table joined on the organizing regional model of Telemedicine between Regione Puglia and Regione Sardegna.

See you with Optip tomorrow, at the meeting hall of the Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri of Bari, in via Giuseppe Capruzzi 184.

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