Optip hearing in the Senate: new visions for telemedicine

Tuesday June 18th, 2019

“Some of you will have watched movies using augmented reality devices…”: this is how Gianni Girotto, president of the Senate Industry Commission, begins a video on Facebook in order to make public his appreciation for Predict’s integrated Optip system.

The video shows Angelo Gigante and Isa Cafagna of Predict in action. These two met Senator Girotto during an official hearing in Rome with GE Healthcare. The objective of the meeting was to illustrate the technological solutions in development through the combined efforts of two companies, one in Puglia, the other in the United States. The solutions they have created aim to increase the efficiency of the national health system and, simultaneously, the quality of life of patients.

“Technology puts itself at the service of healthcare”, acknowledged Girotto, who wanted to illustrate on social media how Optip HoloHealth works and its advantages in telemedicine. And he also pointed to its possible applications in other areas such as emergencies like earthquakes and fires. The use of Optip, with the remote support of the control room, would make rescue operations safer, providing those in the field with real-time, useful information such as the layout of buildings and the location of potential sources of danger like electrical systems and gas pipes.

“This is the state of the art, an application that at this moment has no equal”, the senator acknowledged with satisfaction.

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