Optip Streambox

The Streambox, integrated into the OPTIP tele-ecography platform, is an accessory that connects via HDMI cable to any medical equipment (e.g. wheeled ultrasound scanner) to share the diagnostic image of the device to which it is connected in real time.
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To remotely guide the performance of ultrasound examinations by facilitating the sharing and optimisation of specialist expertise in a Hub-Spoke logic.
Consultation or second opinion
To discuss an examination in real time and at a distance.
To train professionals in a practical and effective way.

How does it work?
The two scenarios

The specialist performing the diagnostic examination wears the viewer and connects the Streambox to his ultrasound scanner. Remote users view and listen in real time, via the Optip platform, to what the specialist is looking at and explaining, i.e. the diagnostic image from the Streambox and the video of the positioning of the probe on the patient from the viewer’s camera.
The doctor requesting a consultation wears the viewer and connects the Streambox to his ultrasound scanner. The remote expert, via the Optip platform, views the clinical case in real time and offers his advice, guiding the doctor’s hands and eyes for a more in-depth analysis.

Benefits for
medical specialists
and public hospitals

Increased resources: less travel, more examinations during the day
● Consultation between specialists: in real time
● Improved quality of healthcare service offered to patients

Benefits for

● On-the-job training
● Shorter learning curve
● Customised distance learning

Il kit

Tele-ecography platform

On-site user account (usable via viewers)

Augmented reality viewer Google Glass

12-month warranty on the entire kit

Account for remote specialist (usable on PC)

Ceiling of 30,000 minutes of video calls


Starting from
4.799€ + vat

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